Tag Archives: batteries

Top questions asked to an audiologist

Top questions asked to an audiologist

Frequently asked questions to audiologists

Here are the answers to questions most frequently asked to an audiologist…Apparently some have asked if it is ever a good idea to store hearing aid batteries in a freezer. Hmm.  Frozen chicken breasts, bags of peas, tv dinners…hearing aid batteries…Let’s find out:

What are the differences of good, better, and best technology in terms of price?  What makes one more expensive than the other?

Think of it this way.  You don’t want to buy an F150 Ford truck when you need an F350 to pull a horse trailer or a large boat.  It may be the exact same size, it may have the exact same interior, and it may even have the same paint job.  For all practical purposes, they may look alike, but the F150 does not have the power or the transmission to do the job.  So, if you buy the F150 to pull that heavy load, you could expect it to last maybe a year, then fall apart.  Whereas if you had purchased the F350, it might last ten years and/or 250,000 miles with satisfactory service throughout its lifetimes.  The same applies to hearing technology.  The primary three things that have to be fit for a person’s hearing loss are:  first the hearing loss, second, the person’s lifestyle (or listening environments), and third, it all has to meet their budget.  Smaller sizes, Bluetooth® capability, and even iPhone compatibility all affect price.  It’s amazing what technology can do now.  Did you ever think you would be able to stream your phone calls directly through your hearing aids?

How much do hearing aids cost?

This is one of the top questions asked when it comes to aiding a hearing loss.  Hearing aids typically cost between $900 and $3,000 for an excellent hearing aid, with the average price being $1,850 per hearing aid that uses the latest technology.  There are companies that sell refurbished hearing aids at a lower cost, but the buyer should be aware of the age of the technology and the cost to maintain the hearing aid.  Never discount the fact that a person’s lifestyle plays a significant role in what type of technology a person needs.

How long do hearing aids last?

As with any product, a hearing aid is guaranteed to work only as long as the manufacturer’s warranty lasts.  Most hearing aid manufacturers offer warranties that offer protection for defective components for one to three years.  You will find that lower-end technologies tend to have one year warranties, while higher-end technologies offer two and three year warranties.  If kept and cared for in optimal conditions, most hearing aids should last four to six years, while seven or more years of reliable use is less common.

Can I sleep with my hearing aids in place?

Do you sleep with your glasses?  As you might guess, this answer is more of a comfort level than anything else.  Although some may find them useful to hear alarms, they may come out of the ear during sleep, and both the ears and the hearing aids need a rest.  Moisture, warmth, and darkness are all agents that can lead to bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.  Taking hearing aids out at night allows them to dry, removing one of the primary agents of infections. Also the hearing aids need an opportunity to dry out.  There are drying kits available that work well for this purpose.

If a person’s hearing loss is severe to profound, and hearing assistance is needed to hear at night, there are assistive listening devices that will better accomplish this purpose.

Can hearing aids get wet? rain

Units are typically not labeled anything but “moisture resistant.”  This means they are not waterproof, but they will be protected in light moisture exposure (think of that light rain sprinkle that you got caught in.)

Are hearing aids comfortable?

If the units are fitted properly by a professional audiologist, hearing aids should fit comfortably, conformed to the contours of the ear.  This is true, as I have often forgotten I had mine in before hopping in a shower.  Refer to question above.

Is it safe to use cotton swabs?

Are we all guilty of this?  Do we cotton swabsnot all keep Qtips in business?  Cotton swabs can cause damage if pushed too far in the ear canal or pushed too far against the eardrum.  Depending on the amount and consistency of wax, cotton swabs can actually clog the ear canal, reducing the effectiveness of hearing devices.  Quite often hearing aid users think their devices have failed when in actuality, it was just a bad case of ear wax.  Ask an audiologist for other recommended ways for cleaning ears.

Should I store my hearing aid batteries in the freezer?

freezer.  No.  Extremes in temperature can shorten the battery life.  They should not get too hot or too cold.  Ideally, they should be stored around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.  Putting them in the butter tray of your refrigerator with the butter door closed, or in your sock drawer, can be two places where you they can be safely  stored.


Do you have a question that you’ve always wanted to know about hearing technology, or are you curious about these new advances that incorporate the use of iPhone applications?  These aren’t your grandparents’ hearing aids.  Gone are the days when people were required to wear a box the size of a small house behind their ear in order to hear.

Post your questions for the HEARINC audiologist in the form below, and we’ll get back to you!  Don’t be shy; go ahead and ask if the hearing aids come in pink.  Style and sophistication meet at last.  It is our vision to help you Join the Conversation.


Kiersten TroutmanKiersten Troutman is the Manager of Marketing and Outreach at HEARINC. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kent State University, and is finishing up her Master of Arts degree in English from The University of Akron. She suffers unilateral hearing loss from birth and has a true appreciation for the audiological advances made in the assistive hearing device industry.  She has a passion for helping others realize these advances, and has a vision to educate the public on how quality of life can often be improved by simply taking advantage of the current technology available.

HEARINC.  Join the Conversation.


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Posted by on October 9, 2014 in Hearing Health


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