Tag Archives: Akron

Streamers and such: three reasons to celebrate

Streamers and such:  three reasons to celebrate

I am always finding ways to share my passion for technological advances made in the hearing industry.  I quite often have to point out that I even have a hearing loss in the first place; my single-sided deafness is not readily apparent by my tiny hearing aids that rest behind my ear, blending in with my glasses.  Gone are the days of miniature houses resting behind one’s ears!  Friends and colleagues alike are surprised when I tell them I wear hearing aids.  Questions arise like, “Really?  Are you wearing them now?”, or “Wow, how long have you had a hearing loss?”, as they zoom in on my ears with sudden wide interest.  Granted, I could have chosen brown ones to match my hair color, but what fun is that?  Ocean blue for me.

Kiersten Troutman- hearing aidI began to think of writing on newer hearing technologies that many are unaware exist.  Such technologies include the hearing streamer and the TruLink smartphone app that can be linked to hearing aids, creating a seamless, inconspicuous way to independently control settings.


We’re not talking about crepe paper here, although hearing aid streamers give something to celebrate!  A hearing aid streamer is a small device worn around the neck that pairs with hearing aids to transmit sound.  They have the capability of pairing with a:

  • TV
  • Phone (cell phone and even landline)
  • Hearing loop environment

Patients are able to stream phone calls directly into their hearing aids—hands free.  This is ideal when driving or at home baking cookies with flour all over your hands.  Ever see someone taking a call on a Bluetooth®?  Hearing aids are much smaller and much more discreet than the giant Bluetooth® sprouting out of a person’s ear…seriously.


Take a look how the streamer can be worn over or under a shirt.

streamer-Jim-over shirt(2)Streamer-Jim-under shirt (2)














Granted, if wearing it under, you will need to be able to retrieve the streamer easily if a call comes in.  HEARINC is not responsible for individuals feverishly undressing to grab a phone call before it goes to voicemail.  Use discretion when choosing attire if wanting to wear it under.  Your colleagues will thank you.




Cell phone application for hearing aids

Now that we are in 2015, technology is assumed to be able to do just about anything; having control over your own hearing aids is no exception.  With the TruLink smart phone app, you now have the capability of linking your hearing aids to your phone.

Consider this:  you are called to a staff meeting in a conference room of 10 people.  By time you hurry and grab your third cup of coffee on the way in to the conference room, you are the last one in and have to sit the farthest away from the speaker.  On a good note, the boss won’t be able to see the coffee that spilled on your white shirt as you came in.  The bad news is you wouldn’t be able to hear him/her make note of it even if they did.

conference room

With the hearing aids for smartphone, you simply put the app in microphone mode and lay the phone on the table next to the speaker.  Although you would be sitting at the other end of the room, his or her speech would stream directly through your hearing aids.  If they so much as murmur something under their breath…you may be the only one to know.  It will become your super power.


Photo credit: The Ridge Resorts / Foter / CC BY


While we’re on the topic of coffee stains, this app is also of particular excellent use in loud coffee houses.  Just set the phone out on the table, and be able to focus on the other person’s speech instead of the constant coffee bean-grinding and brewing in the background.  Let’s face it, background noise is annoying.  There’s help for that!



Get in the loop

I’ve discussed hearing induction loops before, but I’ll briefly touch on this technology again here.  If you currently wear hearing aids that have a “t-coil” in them (ask your audiologist if yours does), keep an eye out for this sign in various establishments:  Loop icon

The loop logo indicates that the particular establishment has what is known as a hearing induction loop installed on the premises.  Simply switch your hearing aids to the t-coil setting, and sound will be transmitted directly in to your hearing devices.  This logo is often found in environments such as a concert/symphony hall, a museum, some churches, or even some drive-thru windows (ever get tired of the garbled mess of supposed dialogue at fast food drive-thru windows? Ya, us too.)  Get in the loop!


Interested in some of these technologies?  Want to know if your current hearing aids are compatible with these technologies?  Send us an inquiry to set up an appointment in our Akron or Canton, Ohio offices.  It’s time you Join the Conversation!




Kirsten_0589Kiersten Troutman is the Manager of Marketing and Outreach at HEARINC in Canton, Ohio.  As a wife and mother of four young children, one of her greatest joys in life is being able to hear her children laugh and say, “I love you.”  She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kent State University, and is finishing up her Master of Arts in Composition and Rhetoric from The University of Akron. She suffers unilateral hearing loss from birth and has a true appreciation for the audiological advances made in the assistive hearing device industry.  She has a passion for helping others realize that hearing loss does not discriminate with age, and has a vision to educate the public on how quality of life can often be improved simply by taking advantage of the amazing technology available.

HEARINC.  Join the Conversation.

Copyright. Kiersten D. Troutman. 2015.

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Posted by on February 6, 2015 in Hearing Health


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Tropical islands and cookies: meeting Terri Runner

Tropical islands and cookies:  meeting Terri Runner

Phone interview

This week I phone-interviewed our front desk administrator, Terri Runner, of our Akron office.  Why over the phone?  This 5′ 1″ writer would need to sit atop a child’s booster seat just to make eye contact with her, at six feet, five million inches tall (She will argue this statement.)  She is able to tell when the clouds shift in the stratosphere.  It would make for a silly looking conversation…my feet dangling off the chair…and besides, I don’t have an extra booster seat.

Terri runs the Akron office with grace, a smile, and…cookies.  As you may have discovered through our past blogs, we’re huge fans.  Terri bakes fresh chocolate chip cookies every day for our patients who come in to the Akron location…another reason I force myself to work out of Canton most days.  Resisting sweet delectable goodness was never a strong suit with me.

Tropical waters

In speaking with Terri, I discovered the charm that makes her Terri Runner.  Her care-free demeanor more-than-likely stems from her commitment to…reaching a tropical destination.  I have to agree!  Studies indicate that sun, sand, and fun drinks with colorful umbrellas pierced through an orange slice balanced gracefully on the glass rim are good for the soul.

Tropical drink with umbrella






Here are some more glimpses in to the mind of a front desk, cookie-baking, tropical-seeking administrator:

Q:  What is one thing most people do not know about you?

A:  I grew up in a town called Horseheads.


Q:  What is your favorite food?

A:  Does chocolate count?


Q:  As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A:  An airline “stewardess.” That’s what they were called back then.


Q:  What was your favorite subject in school?

A:  I really liked medical terminology in college, with all those big, long words.


Q:  If you could pick a superhero power, what would it be and why?

A:  I would like to wiggle my nose and have everything done, just like in the “Bewitched” show.  (So that’s how she bakes the cookies every day!)

Chocolate Chip cookies

Q:  Name one thing on your bucket list.

A:  I’d like to go to Hawaii. I’m a tropical destination person.


Q:  What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

A:  Dishes and cleaning toilets!


Q:  Life is inundated with technology. What technology can you absolutely not live without, and what would you like to see go bye-bye?

A:  I can’t live without a TV; I’m a movie watcher!  I’d like to see slow internet connections go away!  Today, our internet connection is horrible!


Q:  If money, time, and opportunities were limitless, what would you want to do or be?

A:  I would love to become a world traveler, but I would have to have my friends with me…or husband (chuckle).


Q:  Tent or RV? Why?

A:  RV, because I do not like bugs. I don’t want to sleep on the ground.  I need my air conditioning and oven to make cookies!


There you have it, my friends:  Terri Runner.  Be sure to bring her some chocolate the next time you’re in for a visit to the Akron office.  We are all very serious about chocolate…and hearing.  We’re serious about restoring hearing as well.  Our super capes are still on backorder.  Need to touch base with Hero Headquarters to get the status on those.

If you could pick our HEARINC super cape logo, what would it look like?  I’ve been informed that “S” has already been taken…


Kiersten TroutmanKiersten Troutman is the Manager of Marketing and Outreach at HEARINC. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kent State University, and is finishing up her Master of Arts degree in English from The University of Akron. She herself suffers unilateral hearing loss from birth and has a true appreciation for the audiological advances made in the assistive hearing device industry. She has a passion for helping others realize these advances, and has a vision to educate the public on how quality of life can often be improved by simply taking advantage of the current technology available.

Copyright. Kiersten D. Troutman. 2014.







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Posted by on August 28, 2014 in Meet the Staff


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Children with sensorineural hearing loss: impact on education

Children with sensorineural hearing loss:  impact on education

Minimal sensorineural hearing loss impacts education

FACT: 37% of children with only MINIMAL hearing loss fail at least one grade [source:  National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)]

Getting ready for back to school?  It’s hard to believe August 1st is around the corner.

I feel compelled to share my story:

I remember struggling horribly throughout childhood with single-sided deafness. It was a widely misunderstood condition. Teachers would not enunciate, students were cruel, and I felt as though I poured much of my energy just in to concentrating on what the teachers were saying.  I could hear them for the most part, but speech discrimination was a different story, thus, the misunderstanding between me and those around me.

First grade fears

In first grade, my teacher, Mrs. Hollis–I’ll never forget her–had me wear a sign around my neck that said, “Enunciate.” Of course, it was meant to bolster my confidence in that only I knew what the word meant and others around me would have to ask what it meant.  And so, my mother fashioned a small-rectangled poster sign with itchy yarn looped around a hole on each end of the sign and had me wrap it around my neck like they do the blue papers at the dentist office.  The black Sharpie marker-inked letters were thick and straight:  ENUNCIATE.  I walked around the elementary school that day with the sign only I knew the definition to.  

Granted, this definitely could have set me up for more ridicule, but little me didn’t see it that way.  Rather, I beamed with my newfound intellect.  Kids walked up to me all day asking what it meant.  “It means slow down and speak up,” I replied in my most studious, educated voice.  Duh, I added to myself.  I laugh when I think about it now.  For the most part, it worked; students began to slow down a little and speak more clearly.

Thankfully, we don’t have to wear signs around our necks these days to inform others of hearing loss.  Although, now at 37 years old, I still sometimes feel this pressure to understand everything, it is not as bad, because I wear assistive technology.

So this back-to-school season, prepare your child with supplies…and a hearing screen. There are so many options now. The technology is amazing actually!

…And if anyone knows Mrs. Hollis who used to work with Akron Public Schools, share this with her…

Do you have any amazing teachers that you’ll never forget? What made them amazing?

Source:…and my own first grade experience.  Thankfully, no one was traumatized in the making of, or wearing of, the ever-mysterious “Enunciate” sign.  Students and faculty alike, instead, were made aware of hearing loss in their schools, and were educated on it.  Kudos to the illustrious Mrs. Hollis.

Please SHARE!

Kiersten Troutman

Kiersten Troutman is the Manager of Marketing and Outreach at HEARINC. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kent State University, and is finishing up her Master of Arts degree in English from The University of Akron. She herself suffers unilateral hearing loss from birth and has a true appreciation for the audiological advances made in the assistive hearing device industry. She has a passion for helping others realize these advances, and has a vision to educate the public on how quality of life can often be improved by simply taking advantage of the current technology available.

Copyright. Kiersten D. Troutman. 2014.

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Posted by on July 22, 2014 in Hearing Health


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Jim Morris celebrates birthday

Jim Morris celebrates birthday

Jim Morris, Owner and Hearing Instrument Specialist of HEARINC, celebrates birthday

This week we are asking owner, Jim Morris, tough questions like, “Do you prefer chocolate cake or crème brûlée?”  Well, maybe not that question. I mean, there is no contest between chocolate cake and crème brûlée. They each possess heaven-like qualities.  Nevertheless, Jim celebrated a birthday yesterday on July 2nd and therefore automatically became the next victim of my shenanigans and very formal interview process.  When not saving and restoring hearing (our superhero capes are on back order), we are eating cake.  That’s just how we roll.

Jim Morris:  adventure awaits

In keeping our promise to help our patients get to know the staff at HEARINC, this week we are featuring Jim Morris, because his birthday was yesterday, and we apparently like putting our jobs on the line as we single him out on this grand occasion.  We may have to forego the mariachi band we had lined up. The festive sombreros with red, fuzzy fuzzballs hanging off the brim may be a little over the top.

By the time we complete our interviews with the rest of the staff over the upcoming weeks, you will not only appreciate their professional qualifications and passion for improving hearing health, but will also know who is the dog lover, who loves snickerdoodles, and who is a writer on the side (no hint needed).

I asked Jim to sit with me a moment to answer some professional questions.

Q:  Since we’re on the topic of birthdays, what is the best/worst gift you ever received?

A:  The best gift ever received for my birthday was a baseball glove when I was 10 years old.

Q:  If you could pick a superhero power, what would it be and why?

A:  The ability to always determine truth

Q:  What is one thing most people do not know about you?

A:  I was a single parent for eight years.

Q:  Name one thing on your bucket list.

A:  As a private pilot, I would like to fly to each of the states in the United States, including Alaska.

Q:  What movie would you say defines your life?

A:  2001 Space Odyssey.  I would say that is one of my favorite movies, because there is always another adventure waiting out there.

Q:  What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

A:  Making the bed

Q:  Last book read?

A:  Dr. Ben Carson’s One Nation

Q:  As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A:  I always wanted to be a pilot.

Q:   If you could learn to do anything, what new thing would you learn?

A:  Astronomy

Q:  If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

A:  Prejudice

There you have it, friends:  Jim Morris wrapped in one interview.  Be sure to wish Jim a happy birthday!


Professional Qualifications

Jim received his B.S. in aerospace and manufacturing from Kent State University.  He became interested in audiology in 1998, because his father, grandfather, and several uncles who worked in industry and served in World War II suffered hearing loss.  With a corporate background in problem diagnostics and solutions applications, along with computer applications experience, Jim felt he could take a different approach to hearing loss, one that restores patients to the most active lifestyle possible.



Kiersten Troutman

Kiersten Troutman is the Manager of Marketing and Outreach at HEARINC. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kent State University, and is finishing up her Master of Arts degree in English from The University of Akron. She herself suffers unilateral hearing loss from birth and has a true appreciation for the audiological advances made in the assistive hearing device industry. She has a passion for helping others realize these advances, and has a vision to educate the public on how quality of life can often be improved by simply taking advantage of the current technology available.

Copyright. Kiersten D. Troutman. 2014.

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Posted by on July 3, 2014 in Hearing Health


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Tinnitus workshop: You don’t have to live with it

Tinnitus workshop:  You don’t have to live with it

What’s the buzz?

What’s the buzz? It’s the one in your ear that’s driving you nuts! Fortunately, our qualified staff have prepared a free Tinnitus workshop to be held in our Akron office on Monday, June 30th and Tuesday, July 1st. So come and enjoy the relief of knowing there are options in managing this condition experienced by so many. Although it is a free workshop, appointments are required and limited. Tinnitus should not control your life. I’m quite positive that one would rather hear the birds in the trees without the distracted buzzing that goes with Tinnitus. We’re here to help offer solutions, because we love helping people hear and having any excuse to buy more smiley face balloons. Our Akron Office Manager, Terri Runner, is awfully smiley. We’re in the business of making people smile again!
Smiley Balloon

Tinnitus: You don’t need to “live with it”

Our Doctor of Audiology, Kelly Byrer, Au.D., offers some insight to Tinnitus here…

Lately there has been a lot of media “buzz” about tinnitus. There are advertisements for pills, drops and devices claiming to quickly and magically “cure” your tinnitus. It all seems too good to be true! The truth is there is no “cure” for tinnitus. But that doesn’t mean that one just has to “Live with it.”

Tinnitus is defined as the perception of sound when no external sound is present. The sound is often described as a ringing, hissing, buzzing, humming or rushing sound in one or both ears, or sometimes in the head. This sound can either be heard constantly or can come and go and can vary in intensity and pitch. The American Tinnitus Association estimates that there are over 50 million Americans with tinnitus. Most people only notice their tinnitus when in quiet environments and can easily ignore it. For some, the tinnitus is severe enough to seek medical attention and others find it so debilitating they cannot function in their daily lives.

There are many known causes of tinnitus, including excessive noise exposure, hearing loss, head/neck injury, ear wax buildup, a benign tumor, and certain drugs. Many medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, otosclerosis, heart disease, anemia, allergies, under-active thyroid and diabetes can cause tinnitus as well. Alcohol, smoking, caffeine, salt, certain foods and medication can worsen the effects of tinnitus. Stress and fatigue are also known to worsen tinnitus.

Causes cannot always be determined but it is important to know when to be concerned about your tinnitus. Tell your physician or audiologist if you experience:
-Sudden onset of tinnitus in one or both ears
-Loud tinnitus in one ear, especially if it has changed recently
-Pulsatile tinnitus, a sound that has a steady rhythm
-Tinnitus that is correlated with changes in hearing or balance
-Changes in medications that result in changes in tinnitus

If you do not currently suffer from tinnitus, you can protect yourself by limiting exposure to excessively loud noise. The use of hearing protection when operating lawn equipment and power tools, or when going to concerts or shooting is also recommended. If you are taking medications, ask your doctor or pharmacist if that medication has any negative side effects on the auditory system.

Tinnitus is a complex problem and the experience is different for everyone. If you are suffering with tinnitus there is help available. The Audiologists at HEARINC are specially trained in successfully managing tinnitus. This involves developing an individualized treatment plan by combining a complete case history, comprehensive diagnostic testing to evaluate the auditory system and the latest sound instruments and therapies.

Treatments clinically proven to be effective for 90% of suitable tinnitus cases include those which use specialized sound therapy to aid in the desensitization of tinnitus. Newer tinnitus management tools, such as ear level worn sound generators, Widex Zen and appropriate counseling have greatly improved results when compared to previous methods used to treat patients suffering from tinnitus. Most people suffering from tinnitus also have hearing loss. If hearing loss is present, appropriately fit hearing instruments can be programmed to match the pitch and loudness of their tinnitus aiding in relief while delivering amplification for hearing loss.

The development of a personalized plan based on the patient’s severity of tinnitus, its impact on their quality of life, and their individual technology needs, results in patients having profoundly improved quality of life following treatment. While learning to manage tinnitus is not always instantaneous or easy, no one should have to “Learn to live with” the constant irritating sound of tinnitus. Find out more about the latest, most effective tinnitus management programs at our upcoming workshop.

Kelly Byrer
Kelly Byrer, Au.D.
Doctor of Audiology




What are you waiting for? Call to reserve your appointment to this free workshop at (330) 376-2840. It’s “all the buzz” for sure!

Kiersten Troutman

Kiersten Troutman is the Manager of Marketing and Outreach at HEARINC. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kent State University, and is finishing up her Master of Arts degree in English from The University of Akron. She herself suffers unilateral hearing loss from birth and has a true appreciation for the audiological advances made in the assistive hearing device industry. She has a passion for helping others realize these advances, and has a vision to educate the public on how quality of life can often be improved by simply taking advantage of the current technology available.



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Posted by on June 19, 2014 in Events/Expos, Hearing Health


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Coffee may offer protection against Tinnitus

Coffee may offer protection against Tinnitus

We all know that coffee is a staple in most Americans’ daily lives, but did you know that those blessed beans really do help Tinnitus sufferers get through the day?  Yes, another excuse to order that second latte halfway through the day!  A promising new study indicates that caffeine may act as an additional preventive measure against the constant ringing in the ears that many suffer from on a daily basis.

If you’re one of the millions affected by a constant, annoying ringing in one or both of your ears, you’re not alone. And if you have been told by a healthcare provider that coffee (caffeine, in particular) will only exacerbate the problem, you’re not alone there, either — but you may want to rethink your coffee limiting, according to a new study. Don’t return that coffee bean grinder just yet!

Findings from a massive study of 65,085 Canadian women suggest that caffeine may actually help protect against tinnitus, making coffee a more appealing daily drinking option for sufferers. Researchers traced the coffee-drinking habits of middle-aged women and found that those who drank three to four cups a day were 15 percent less likely to develop tinnitus. The results improved with more than four cups per day, dropping risk by 20 percent. Findings may also result in very jittery men and women walking around, caffeinated beyond measure. Oh wait, that may just be me. Perhaps six cups is a little much…

This research, published in the American Journal of Medicine, stands in line with a 2010 study that found tinnitus sufferers who cut caffeine from their diets experienced no improvement, leading to the belief that caffeine may actually be a benefit. Decaf drinkers in the control group experienced no improvement.

While it’s no surefire fix, and more research must be done, it’s food for thought as a possible preventive measure for younger generations who have yet to develop the whistling or howling that bothers so many people. Honestly, any excuse to spend half my paycheck on coffee, lattes, or mochas is perfectly acceptable to me. May there be extended lines in the coffee houses!

Any relief methods are probably best used in conjunction with other tinnitus management options — such as the AGX® tinnitus solution. Not only is it the most advanced technology, it’s a proven problem solver, with thousands across the country finding relief from the constant ringing.

If you’re fed up with your tinnitus, come see us today. Call 330.478.3350 for a free technology demonstration and tinnitus consultation, and find out how HEARINC can offer you the relief you have been searching for.

Article source:  Audigy Group


Kiersten Troutman

Kiersten Troutman is the Manager of Marketing and Outreach at HEARINC. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kent State University, and is finishing up her Master of Arts degree in English from The University of Akron. She herself suffers unilateral hearing loss from birth and has a true appreciation for the audiological advances made in the assistive hearing device industry. She has a passion for helping others realize these advances, and has a vision to educate the public on how quality of life can often be improved by simply taking advantage of the current technology available.


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Posted by on June 11, 2014 in Hearing Health


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Cookies and time travel: an audiologist’s dream

Cookies and time travel: an audiologist’s dream

Want to make Kelly’s day?  Bring cookies.  Seriously, chocolate chip, snickerdoodles, whatever; they speak her language.  Our feature staff person of the week is Kelly Byrer, Doctor of Audiology.  We here at HEARINC want our patients to feel like they are a part of our family, and what better way than to get to know our staff beyond all the fancy initials after their names.

I mean, these are serious, burning questions that we now have the answers to!  Observe:


Q:  If you could pick a superhero power, what would it be and why?

A:  Time travel, because I would love to go back in time and see…everything. I like old towns, churches, and houses. I would love to see them in their prime.


Q:  What is one thing many people do not know about you?

A:  I’m a cat person. I have one dog…and six cats…And I want a goat and some chickens too.


island and boat


Q:  What three things would you want with you on a deserted island?

A:  My family so I wouldn’t be alone, a radio,…and a boat.



Q:  What is your favorite food?

A:  Desserts! Cooooookies!


Q:  Who has influenced you most in life, and how?

A:  My mother has been my greatest influence, because she is such a strong, resilient woman.


Q:  As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A:  I wanted to be a couple of things. I wanted to be a paleontologist and a weather girl.


Q:  If you could be any animal, what would it be, and why?

A:  A cat, because they are so laid back and can do whatever they want to do, while lying on a patch of sunshine.


Q:  What was your favorite subject in school?

A:  Social Studies and World History


Q:  What do you like most about being a Doctor of Audiology?

A:  I like watching people’s eyes light up when they hear things they haven’t heard in a long time.


Now you will know a little more about Kelly the next time you see her for your annual hearing evaluation!


Kiersten Troutman

Kiersten Troutman is the Manager of Marketing and Outreach at HEARINC. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kent State University, and is finishing up her Master of Arts degree in English from The University of Akron. She herself suffers unilateral hearing loss from birth and has a true appreciation for the audiological advances made in the assistive hearing device industry. She has a passion for helping others realize these advances, and has a vision to educate the public on how quality of life can often be improved by simply taking advantage of the current technology available.

Copyright. Kiersten D. Troutman. 2014.

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Posted by on June 5, 2014 in Meet the Staff


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Open House festivities abound

Open House festivities abound

HEARINC. is proud to announce the Grand Opening of their new Akron location at 585 White Pond Drive!

There can’t be an Open House without food and festivities.  That would be like a fish without water, a lock without a key, cake without buttercream icing.  Let there be cake, I say!

On June 2nd, at 11:00am, we will celebrate with a formal ribbon cutting ceremony.  I’ve always seen those elephant-sized scissors used to cut the ribbon in pictures before, and it makes me wonder if we too will get to use the jumbo shearers.  You probably buy them at the same place you buy those big bows you see on cars in car commercials.  Regardless, the ceremony will be followed with champagne and cake.  I vote for buttercream icing.

We won’t stop there though.  We believe any excuse to eat cookies and drink good coffee, I mean, host events, is good enough for us.  On Wednesday, June 4th, we will be hosting a demonstration of Nova Looping (hearing induction loops).  Here, we will show how people with hearing aids can hear everywhere!  It gives new meaning to eavesdropping on friends whispering about your surprise birthday party plans.   Think of it this way, looping is to hearing aid users what Wi-Fi is to computers.  Anywhere you are within the loop, you will hear the speaker or performance on stage as though you were standing next to them.  Sound quality is sent directly to the hearing aid.  In honesty, the orchestra may just sound better to the person wearing a T-coil enabled hearing aid than an unaided person sitting next to them…but don’t tell them that; we wouldn’t want them to be jealous.

On Thursday, June 5th, we will have Dr. Jane Baughman, with us from Widex to discuss Tinnitus, also referred to as the “ringing” sound in ears, suffered by many.  I often mistake the effects of Tinnitus with my husband’s rambling of his latest tale.  Please note that Dr. Baughman will be on-hand to answer any questions you may have, but lacks the degree in decoding a man’s tall tales.  Ladies, not much advice can be offered when it has been the tenth time you’ve heard the regaling of his glory days.  Before the gentlemen begin to rally, I suppose this can be a two-way street.

To wrap up the week, on Friday, June 6th, Audiologist, Greg Smith, from Starkey, will be present to demonstrate the newest technology:  the iPhone app that connects with hearing aids.  Just short of pouring coffee for you, this app does everything else.  It can find your misplaced hearing aids and adapts to your environment as well.  You will not want to miss this!  I’m waiting to see if it can find the match to my favorite earring, lost six months ago, but I’m not holding out hope on that one…

Check out these before and after pics of the Akron office!  Hope to see you there!

Akron office under construction

Akron office under construction

Akron office waiting area

Akron office waiting area

Terri will greet you!

Terri will greet you!


Testing room:  Testing 1, 2...

Testing room: Testing 1, 2…



Kiersten Troutman

Kiersten Troutman is the Manager of Marketing and Outreach at HEARINC.  She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kent State University, and is finishing up her Master of Arts degree in English from The University of Akron. She herself suffers hearing loss from birth and has a true appreciation for the audiological advances made in the assistive hearing device industry. She has a passion for helping others realize these advances, and has a vision to educate the public on how quality of life can often be improved by simply taking advantage of the current technology available.

Copyright. Kiersten D. Troutman. 2014.

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Posted by on May 30, 2014 in Events/Expos


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Cats and dogs…and audiologists

So you take your dog to the pet store to go shopping for treats, gourmet foods, plush beds, and pampered grooming. You make a day of it, just short of stopping to purchase sunglasses for your four-legged best friend on the way back home.  You smile as he hangs his head out the car window, tongue flying in the wind.

If not quite this scenario, then you may fall under the “feline family”.  Your family members consist of curled up balls of fur resting strategically in sunspots around the house, oblivious to the worries of this world.  Sweeping up hairballs is part of your daily routine, and taking a nap with Mister Fuzz purring on your lap is your idea of the perfect day.

If this defines your relationship with your pet, then you need to participate in the 13th Annual Pet Expo!

Over 50 shelters and 60 vendors–including HEARINC.–will be there!

Come see our audiologists!  You will find Shera Kile by all the cute puppies, contemplating an adoption. Her love of animals extends to her four dogs and one cat.  She is the dog whisperer…and I think they whisper to her, “Please, take me home!”

Although her husband has requested that she come home without another family member, she just may have had her selective hearing turned on at point of said request.  As an audiologist, she has these settings built-in.  You will need to attend to find out the outcome.

Two of Shera Kile's dogs, Belle and Scooby

Two of Shera Kile’s dogs, Belle and Scooby

As a note, selective hearing is an independent issue, incapable of cure. However, we can make sure that you can hear when Mister Fuzz is purring contentedly.

Where: Hardesty Park (W. Market at Hawkins) in Akron, OH

When: Saturday, June 7, 2014

Time: 10:00 am-4:00 pm

Cutest Pet contest will start at 2:00 pm. Time to buy that pink bow.




Kiersten Troutman

Kiersten Troutman is the Manager of Marketing and Outreach at HEARINC. She herself suffers hearing loss from birth and has a true appreciation for the audiological advances made in the assistive hearing device industry. She has a passion for helping others realize these advances, and has a vision to educate the public on how quality of life can often be improved by simply taking advantage of the current technology available.

Copyright. Kiersten D. Troutman. 2014.


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Posted by on May 28, 2014 in Events/Expos


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Welcome to HEARINC.)))

Welcome to HEARINC.)))


Jim Morris, Owner and Hearing Instrument Specialist

Jim Morris, Owner and Hearing Instrument Specialist


Welcome to HEARINC, where we strive to bring the most up-to-date research on the latest hearing technologies! We will be providing topics of interest meant to improve your quality of life.

In addition, we want you to get to know our friendly, professional staff here at HEARINC.  We will feature a member of our staff each week over the next month. We are dedicated in creating lasting relationships with our patients!

Follow us on this journey to a healthier you. We help you “join the conversation!”


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Posted by on May 22, 2014 in Hearing Health


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